Questions and Answers
Q :
Can you deliver to barodi near to shivpuri
A :
According to the Pincode, our service is available.Please mention your city and Pincode
Q :
If I order a rose now, when will I get ?
A :
Yes, you can place order and deliver it when you like with our customized delivery slots
Q :
Can it be deliver to dwarka mor till 5 PM today
A :
Yes, you can place an order and deliver it when you like with our customized delivery slots.
Q :
Hi if I will order now do I deliver today
Pin code is 689694
A :
Yes, you can place order and deliver it when you like with our customized delivery slots
Q :
If I order it now when it will be delivered at jaipur pin 302017
A :
Yes, you can place order and deliver it when you like with our customized delivery slots
Q :
Delivery to gurgaon
A :
According to the Pincode, our service is available.Please mention your city and pincode
Q :
Can you please call at order has not been delivered
A :
Yes, you can reach us at 7829463510 For any Issue.
Q :
I want to deliver today at Chandigarh airport is it possible
A :
According to the Pincode, our service is available.Please mention your city and pincode
Q :
There is how many choclate will be there & which choclate ?
A :
There are 10 Red Roses ,10 Dairy Milk Chocolates