Diwali Essentials
Product Description
- Almonds - 100g
- Cashew - 100g
- Pooja Thali - 4inch
Product colors might vary according to availability
Same Day Delivery in GTA if order placed before 5 PM IST,other areas flat 3 day delivery. 1. The actual product may very in shape,size,brand, color as per local availability.
2. Message on card may not be available in few areas
3. If this product is shipped using the services of our courier partners, the date of delivery is an estimate.
4. Our courier partners do not call prior to delivering an order, so we recommend that you provide an address at which someone will be present to receive the package.
5. The delivery cannot be redirected to any other address. Redelivery is not possible.
Sku: cartcadi202103