What Office Feels Like When You Have The Craziest Colleague

What Office Feels Like When You Have The Craziest Colleague
What Office Feels Like When You Have The Craziest Colleague

You know you are fortunate enough when you have friends at work. If you have good and crazy colleagues that have turned into friends, then the office does not look that horrible. You can relate to the fact if you have some good friends at work that you are mentally happy in your workplace and that your productivity is enhanced when you are around them.

When you have a best friend at work, people really don’t talk about your accompaniments, rathgar, it is you and your best friend who become the talk of the town, right? From your teammates to your boss and HR, everyone is pretty aware about the bond you two share. So, to this friend of yours, order gifts online to appreciate their presence in your life. Here is a rundown of things that happen when you have friends at work. 

Office Turns Into College:

So, when you have a colleague that has turned into a friend at work place, the office does not look like an office anymore. It gets you the feel you used to get in college. Like there’s this one person in your office with whom, you don’t have to get all formal and sophisticated. Moreover, when you have someone’s back in all the mischief, you get the confidence to break the rules at work (only those rules where authority doesn’t fire you or your friends). 

Every Thing Appears Funny:

When you have that one friend, everything at work appears funny. Yes, you find everything funny at work and there is no room for being bored. It actually feels nothing less than a blessing since the workplace really could get all serious and bring sometimes, and when you have that one person everyday at work to share your jokes with, it is what I call a blessing.

Enhances Your Productivity:

When you have someone at work whose company makes you all comfortable, your productivity naturally gets enhanced and boosted up. I can really tell you thi, when I am with my best friend at work, I really do better at work as compared to those days, the person does not show up at work. With online gifts delivery, send a token of appreciation to them for being your productive catalyst. 

Constant Cheerleader:

There are days in your workplace when you get gilded by your boss or over hear someone back bitching about you, right? You immediately look up to that person and they will be there to cheer you up. They have got your back at work and you can never stay low for a long time. 

You Never Have To Eat Alone:

When I first started working, I was so worried about the fact whom to eat with at break. Sitting alone in your cabin and eating your food silently has always scared me. It is not like I am an extrovert and want to be surrounded by people always, but having the meal alone is also something that I never wanted to do. Having a friend at your workplace saves your ass from those creepy lonely lunch breaks. Also, you get a variety of things to eat when you share it with them. 

So, if you don’t have one friend that makes the office a fun place, you really need to start bonding with your colleagues. Believe me, you will cry less going to the office everyday.