We Bet You Didn’t Know How Lucky You Are To Have Found Your Love

We Bet You Didn’t Know How Lucky You Are To Have Found Your Love
We Bet You Didn’t Know How Lucky You Are To Have Found Your Love

Do you know what is the reason behind you being happy after you wake up everyday? Yes, it is the love you ate showered upon by that someone special. No, it does not mean waking up next to your beloved every morning. You may be thousands of miles away from your sweetheart, yet you can feel their presence. This is how being in love feels like. People who think they are better off with or without love, you must know that the sheer happiness of life comes when you are in love with someone. Being in love with someone is a great feeling, but having loved back by someone is a feeling par excellence. Only you could relate to the feeling of getting a surprise gift or when you order gifts online for your partner so that you could take them by surprise, right? So, when someone asks you why are you blessed to have found your soulmate, do not say you don’t know. Give them reasons because you have reasons. Know how lucky you are if you didn’t know already. So, let’s get started now

  • Less Toxic People:

When you happen to meet one, you tend to lose unnecessary people who often are the most toxic people in your life. Not because your partner puts restrictions on talking to others, but you yourself would be less interested in others because you would not be getting enough of your love only. Can you relate if this happened with you once you started dating your love? Yes, right?

  • Talk To Self:

Well, you must realise that since you are with your love, you have started to know more of you. This means the more you know about yourself, the better person you become. We Actually never talked to ourselves hence, did not even notice your potentials and loopholes. Now that you have started talking to self strive to grow each day by knowing more. Once you figure out yourself first, it would be easier for you to know your partner. 

  • You Have Never Been This Appreciating Before:

When you meet the right person, you tend to appreciate every bit of them. It is there every quality that you cannot he;p but admire. Eventually, you would not know when you become a person who appreciates everything that deserves appreciation. Believe me, people who appreciate others are the people our society needs. You wouldn’t even notice the change in yourself. However, the others will and hence you would be more amicable to others than you think you are. Don’t you think you should be thanking your partner for this already

  • Their Happiness Lies In Yours:

When someone asks you what the reason behind the glow of your face is, No, do not reply with a good amount of water. It’s rather because you are happy from within. It is well said that a person glows differently when happy inside. How ever, have you ever noticed the smile on your sweetheart’s face after they see you happy and crazy? Yes, that’s where their happiness lies. That is the truest form of selfless love. Their every action is moulded and amended, keeping your happiness as their priority. They often surprise you with online gifts delivery or by giving you a random visit, right? They just want to see you all smiling and happy. So, you better start giving them credit for you being lucky. 

  • You Always Have Some To Listen To Your Nuisance:

Sometimes do you ever sit alone and think what would you ever do without your partner? Like who would handle you better than you darling does? From your crazy mood to your saint-like mood, your darling endures it all with a smile and never loses their shit. Nobody would do that except your love.

  • Sorry Or Arguments?

If your partner apologizes to you after screwing up with you, you better never let him or her go. Such people are very rare to find who seek apology for the wrong they do. However, if they ask for an apology even if they are not wrong, it’s high time you realized what piece of art, you are blessed with.

So, if you had not have realized how lucky you have been to have them, you know now, right? Make sure your partner knows how lucky you feel to have them. This will help you maintain a healthy and strong relationship with them and will keep the spark of the relationship always alive.