Useful Tips To Help You Keep Diwali Party On A (Much) Lesser Budget 

Useful Tips To Help You Keep Diwali Party On A (Much) Lesser Budget 
Useful Tips To Help You Keep Diwali Party On A (Much) Lesser Budget 

Who all agree that the festive vibe has already been activated after Raksha Bandhan? This festival has marked the beginning of the happy times that lie ahead this year. Soon there is going to be Navratri week, followed by Dussehra, and then comes the mother of all festivals, yes I’m talking about Diwali. We all eagerly wait for the festive season, especially this time, when the whole year has been a struggle time. Diwali and other festivals will be like a treat, and We all deserve this treat after a long fight from corona. 

Diwali is indeed a big and important festival of India and people irrespective of their caste or religion celebrate it with full enthusiasm. Diwali is a time to enjoy and celebrate with family and friends, and where there is a celebration, automatically, there appears a party. Parties are the best way to celebrate festivals amongst all those people whom we want to be around. And since it’s the most important festival of the year, can you think of a better time to reunite with people you have wished to see the whole year long? Though this year, it might not be the same, and you would have to cut short your guest list, we all know why, but family and close friends along with safety are enough to make the festival feel like one, right? When you host a party, one of the main concerns can be budget. So, here are some tips to have a Diwali party but still staying on budget. But before we head towards the budget, here are some important things to remember; 

  • Avoid partying if you can
  • Invite close ones only who live nearby
  • Maintain social distancing


To be on a budget, the foremost step one needs to do is set a budget. When you haven’t even decided what your budget is, then how will you analyze what amount is beyond or above your budget. When you have a budget in your hand, you can arrange the required stuff according to the priority and necessity. It will help you cut down the least required things. Also, when you have an idea of budget, you can Swap on the things that can cut your cost, like opting for cheaper serving plates instead of the expensive ones. You can buy Diwali gifts for your friends and family accordingly. 


The second important tip that everyone should keep in mind is to prepare a guest list. Your guest list will decide your estimated expenditure. Don’t miss anyone important or go overboard. If the guest list is long, so will be the need for food supplies; also, there will be high chances of having corona over your place. I’m not asking you to cut down on the guestlist just to be on a budget, but it will be safe for you as well others, because what’s the point of celebration like this. All I’m asking is to spend this auspicious day only with people whom you actually want to be with. 


Besides shopping Diwali gifts for friends and family, What is your favorite part of Diwali? I guess most of you will agree with the decoration. The decoration is one of the main elements that elevate the festive feels. And since you are having guests over your place, the decoration should be on point. Though we start the decoration process almost a week ago, but this time you have to be on a budget. You can DIY some decorative products. Also, since Diwali is a festival of lights, so lights are an essential part. But to be on a budget, opt for earthen diyas instead of fancy LED lights. Not only are earthen lamps cheaper than electric lights but are gorgeous than those light too. 

So, these are some tips to organise a Diwali party while keeping the budget and coronavirus in mind.