Top Father’s Day Traditions Followed In Different Parts Of The World

Top Father’s Day Traditions Followed In Different Parts Of The World

This year, Father’s day is going to be celebrated on 20th June. The 20th will be the day when dads receive the surprises their kids arrange for them, this is special for him. Well, to your surprise, not every country celebrates fathers in the summer. Yes, 20th June is not an international father’s day, every country has its own date but they sure celebrate this special day.

Your idea of a father’s day celebration may include things like presenting a father’s day gift, or preparing his favourite dinner, etc. but do you know that some places have their own tradition related to this day? Surprising right? Well, let’s learn which countries take Father’s day so seriously to attach traditions to it. 


First of all, Germany is a place where Father’s Day is known as vatertag. Here, father’s day is celebrated on Ascension day, which is the 40th day after Easter and is a christian holiday. So, in Germany, Father’s day often falls in may. Since this day collaborates with another important day for Christians, it is a national holiday for people on this day. 40 days from easter mostly falls on a Thursday, and Friday in some areas. So, people enjoy a 4-day long weekend along with some beer and other father’s day activities. Men are involved in activities like pulling a wagon full of liquor and beers into the woods. While some men go on a bar crawl.  


Mexico is a place where Father’s day is celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of the month of June. Since Mexico is a place where it’s always a party time all year long, so, when it is a special day, you can expect nothing different, they are going to party. But there is a tradition as well, which is a race in Mexico City, known as Carrera dia del padre. They organize a race in the city which is then followed with a party. Also, they have a tradition to give father’s day gifts to their lovely dads that mostly includes ties and other little things from their family. 


Just like parties play an important role in celebration in Mexico, here in japan, fish plays an important role in any celebration. So, the same is expected on father’s day as well. On this day, a big meal of crab and prawns is served, dads are served beer glasses by their kids. Beer can be replaced with a box of candy in some cases. In Japan, the most famous father’s day gift is a cologne

New Zealand

In Australia and New Zealand, Father’s Day is celebrated on the first day of Spring, which in those nations is mostly the first Sunday of September. It’s said that these two nations picked September or father’s day celebrations in light of the fact that when a large part of the world celebrates Father’s Day it is already full with holidays. The day is spent by giving Dad cards and gifts similarly done in the rest of the world.

These are some father’s day traditions in different parts of the world.