Things You Should Particularly Avoid Doing On Valentine’s Day

Things You Should Particularly Avoid Doing On Valentine’s Day
Things You Should Particularly Avoid Doing On Valentine’s Day

Ahhh! Valentine’s day…

Soon love will be in the air, everything would be just lovely around us. With heart floating, gifts flowing in the house, the world will be a perfect place again.  I know it was very filmy and all this does not happen in real life, but one thing is for sure, it is a happy day for couples and even for the people who plan on proposing their crush. Well, we all know that what Valentine’s is famous for, it’s an official day of love. If you don’t know, I assume you are single, life is already very good for you, continue on your happy track. But the mingled lot must be busy preparing for the judgement day, right? It does not matter if you are single or happily coupled up, there is no reason you can not take advantage of Valentine’s day. After all, everyone has a right to eat Valentines cake. While preparing for V-Day, you all know what to do, but very few have ideas of things that should not be done. Yes, there are things that should be avoided too. If you didn’t know them, you will get to know them after this blog. Sharing with you some things that should be particularly avoided on Valentine’s day, irrespective of your relationship status. To know more, keep reading. 

Brag About Your BAE

First thing that I always wanted to say to my ‘happily committed’ friends but never could, was that, don’t brag about your sweetheart. It is good that you found someone you love and they love you back too. In Fact it is amazing because it is very difficult to find true love. If you have managed to find one, congratulations! But we are still happy for you if you don’t go on bragging about them. It is not necessary to brag about what all they did for you amidst Valentine’s day. 

Go On A Pity Date

I know it is Valentine’s and you have been exploring through social media to feel disappointed and things like nobody loves you. It is very easy to get carried away and go on a pity date with someone who has been asking you out for some time. But someone is literally setting up hopes if you go out on this day because some people consider it an opportunity to express their feelings. Don’t show pity on someone and go out. Even if you hate being alone on this so called “most romantic day of the year”, dont 

Don’t Invite Your Single Friends

The worst you can do with someone on this day is to take your single friends along while going on a date with your bae. It may sound rude to you, but trust me, it is completely pointless to invite your single friends and even feels like a bit of teasing for them which will eventually make them sad. 

Dump Someone

It’s Valentine’s day, official love day, how can you end up breaking up with someone particularly on this day. It is okay to lose interest in someone and to release that you don’t want to live with them anymore because of any XYZ reason, but it is also very important to release that Vday is not the right time to dump your partner. You can wait for a couple of days or do it priorly. 

Text Your Ex

I know this day of romance can be very hard for singles. Every year the day hits with the fact that you don’t have a bae this time. This may instigate you to text your ex because with all lovey dovey couples around, you too want to feel loved. But stop! Put that phone down, it is just a bad idea.

Don’t Over Promise

One thing that you can’t blame on this day is that with all the love and romantic vibes all around, it is very easy to get carried away and go on to make commitments and over promise which you realise later. So, control your feelings and be mindful before you promise something.  

Present Gift Cards

What is stopping you to buy Valentines flowers rather than gift cards? gift cards are lame and show that you don’t care or want to spend much time looking for ideal gifts.

These are some things that you should never do or avoid doing on V-Day.