Surprising Insight About Carnations Flowers – The Flower Of Gods

Surprising Insight About Carnations Flowers - The Flower Of Gods
Surprising Insight About Carnations Flowers - The Flower Of Gods

There is something very special about carnations, right? You exactly don’t know what it is but you are drawn to them helplessly. Yes, that is the charm of carnations. Some people find roses the unbeatable kind of flower kingdom and for some, carnations bag the title without even trying. Before you order flowers online, you think of the flower and its interesting facts that pushes you to order the chosen flower online. Likewise, if you are planning to get flowers for your dear ones and it happens to be a carnation, here are some amazing facts about them that might just blow off your mind. Eager to know them? Let’s get started!

They are the “flower of Gods”

The scientific name for carnations is “Dianthus Caryophyllus.” In greek, the term dios strands for God and the term anthos represented flowers. So, the term “Dianthus Caryophyllus” eventually translated to the flower of god. Wait there is more. The flower is also called the “heavenly flowers” and I have notsecond thoughts about it.

What’s behind the name – Carnation?

Well, the term carnation is believed to be carved out from the word coronation or corone. These two terms stand for flowers. Also, carnations were widely used in greek ceremonial crowns, hence, they bagged the name carnations. 

Eat them up:

Did you know that carnations are edible? Yes, you heard me right. Their beauty effortlessly goes by the saying that beautiful things are tasty. However, tasting raw carnation would be a bland experience that is why carnations are used to garnish desserts and salads since they also bring in the flavor. Also, for around 400 years, carnations have been used to add flavors to different wine beers or liquor. Send flowers online to your favourite people and let them later enjoy their deliciousness. 

They are blessed with a plethora of colors.

It is the colors and shades, these carnations come in, make my heart pounds faster. It is such a beautiful fact that carnations come in almost every color a rainbow has. However, here is something more that you should know. The original color of carnations is pinkish-purple, the other shades such as yellow, orange, white red and green were invented using the breeding method. In ancient times, they were used as currencies and the credit goes to the availability of the colors of these flowers.  

Change their color at home:

Yes, you can do that at your home How? Well, take food color and a glass of water. Now add 20-30 drops of the food color in the glass. Now, let the whiute carnation flower take a dip in the glass for 24 hours. Tadah! Here you go with your favorite colored carnation flower.

Lives long:

I really feel bad for the fact that these beauties are underrated. You would be surprised to know that these flowers can live upto 2 years? They have the tendency to remain fresh for 14 days? Yes, that is the magical power of carnation flowers. 

So, little did you know that these beautiful flowers could hold such facts behind their names, right? Spread the facts to an avid lover of carnations and make their day as well.