Relatable Typical Ways Brown Dads Indirectly Say “I Love You”

Relatable Typical Ways Brown Dads Indirectly Say “I Love You”

Strict, imposing and stoic, are the first few images that we get in our heads as soon as we hear the word brown dad right? Well, typically brown dads do carry these images of their personality for I don’t know what reasons. Personally, most of the brown dads do carry their image pretty well when it comes to maintaining discipline and principles on a daily. Wait, I am not claiming that all brown dads are this way, some of them have a totally opposite personality to what brown dads have and it almost gets very difficult to distinguish between the kids and the dad sometimes. However, this fathers day, make your brown dad feel special by getting him exclusive fathers day gifts online and also throw light on the typical ways, brown dads express their love without even saying “I Love You” to their kids. So, let’s get started!

He Will Ask If You Have Eaten?

Well, cuddling up or expressing affection for the kids through words, is not a cake walk for the brown dads, so, they would rather ask their kids if they have eaten well? I remember my dad asking me the same question even more than 3 times a day (exceeding the number 3 meals we generally eat in a day). Back then, I didn’t know why he was so much interested in knowing if I have eaten well but now I understand, that’s how he showered his love upon me. 

He Stuffs Your Wallet With Money Before You Leave The House:

No am,tter for what work you are leaving the home, he won’t let you leave the house empty pockets. He will make sure that you have enough to deal with any emergency purposes. On the contrary, a brown dad will surely frown upon you when you ask for money for chilling with friends, but would give you money even without you asking for it whenever you step outside. Quite relatable, right?

He Find Out All Gifts Way Expensive You Get For Him:

Well, I am pretty sure that the majority of us can relate to this point already. Any gift you ever get for him regardless of the occasion, he will always be wondering how expensive the gift you have brought for him. No matter how beautiful and amazing he finds the gift, he would mockingly tell you that the gift is pretty expensive and I think that’s beautiful. 

He Would Terrify The Person You’re Dating:

Well, brown dads, especially in India, will make sure to scare the shit out of the person you are dating or talking about the extremes, he might even show his reluctance upon finding your relationship status. However, if you happen to have a cool dad, he would still leave no chance to grill your boyfriend or girlfriend. I really believe, the more your father happens to be involved in your relationship, the more he is into you. Get online father’s day flower delivery for your father and thank him for always being by your side despite even hating the person you’re dating.

So, brown dads have these common traits that I believe every brown kid could relate to right now. Make your father feel super loved this Father’s day and reciprocate his love in your love language.