Precautionary Measures Taken by GOI against COVID-19

Precautionary Measures Taken by GOI against COVID-19
Precautionary Measures Taken by GOI against COVID-19

The world has been striving hard to fight the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. The count of the affected patients worldwide as per the WHO has increased to more than 30 lakhs. This is a grave situation for all of us and we all are suffering from it, both economically and mentally. People are losing their family members one-by-one and with this, they are losing their hopes. At such times, we all are looking up to our governments for help and the best thing is that they are trying to do their best for the people of its country.

With nearly 25,000 infected people and more than 900 deaths nationwide, as well as a world economic downturn, COVID-19 is producing a daunting human check. So far, India has been on lockdown of more than a 30-day lockdown which was imposed on Tuesday by the Narendra Modi government. 

Did you ever think of how a country of 130 crore people with high population size, millions of inhabitants in villages and urban slums are going to avoid the spread of coronavirus amongst a large community? To tackle this unimaginable challenge, we need a programming methodology and all stakeholder mobilization to respond. This is how the Indian government, the private sector and ordinary citizens can participate in their capacity. 

The Government of India (GOI) is trying their best to combat the battle against the virus with a new set of rules and regulations every day. The Prime Minister along with the Chief Ministers from different states have been continuously working on drafting new plans for surviving through these times. The GOT aims at :

  • Restrict the spread of infection in the nation 
  • Ensure the availability of health care facilities
  • Reduce the effect on public infrastructure 
  • Mitigate the impact on individuals and businesses
  • Promote interest, for example by sharing details 
  • Ensure that the right steps are taken at the right moment.

Safety Measures were taken by the GOI for Combating COVID-19

Below we have discussed the preventive measures that the government has been taking to prevent this contagious disease.

  • Extended Lockdown For Making Us Stay Safe At Our Homes

It is very hard for a country to shut down completely, but this disease made it compulsory for the government to impose lockdown on the country. This step was taken for the betterment of the society and at first, a lockdown of 21 days was imposed. But seeing the condition get worsened, the lockdown then got extended till 03rd May. The government knows that this lockdown is creating a problem for the daily wagers and businesses, but this is necessary for us. Or else we will also end like the USA, Spain, and Italy.

  • Have Made the Buying of Goods Safe

In case you are wondering how you will buy the grocery and veggies during the lockdown. Then the government is surely trying to bring out new safe ways so that the availability of these things can be made easy for you. Many online portals have been given the responsibility of delivery goods at the doorstep of the users. Other than this, many grocery and medical stores open at a particular time for not more than four hours.  

  • Developed the Aarogya Setu app

Not only this, but the government has put the technology to use by launching the Aarogya Setu app. This mobile application is developed by the Ministry of IT and electronics for identifying the risks of getting infected by the disease. You can download this application on both Apple App Store and Google Play Store. The Aarogya Setu app is available in eleven different languages which makes it easy for people to understand. This application also detects if there is any COVID-19 case in your location.

  • Ministry of AYUSH launches a Set of Information

The advisory at AYUSH mantralaya along with the government has launched a set of information which will help in fighting the COVID-19. In this set of information, they have described how we can save ourselves from the virus. They have also listed some ayurvedic medicines that will help in boosting immunity. Along with this, you can also practice pranayama and yoga asana for enhancing your breathing capacity. Some of the very common plants which you can use for boosting immunity are turmeric, Guduchi, Tulsi, or ginger.

  • Wearing Mask is Mandatory

We have been constantly seeing China and have found that this disease will not leave so soon. Henceforth, the GOI has made it compulsory for all of us to wear masks whenever we are out. The person who does not follow the rules will be fined a hefty amount. Other than this, no one can from now spit in public places as the main source of infection is the saliva. 

  • Stop the Fake News 

Social media is a boon for sure, but at such crucial times, it becomes a curse due to some mischievous people. These days you will find much fake news circulating on social media platforms. GOI and Police authorities have taken strict action against such fake news spreading people. If you find anyone around you spreading fake news related to Coronavirus, then you can file a complaint against the person in the police station.

These are some of the very important precautionary measures that the central Indian government and the state government has been following for the betterment of the society during this catastrophe. All of us need to follow these steps to make sure that we are safe from its effect.