New Year Traditions Around The World That Bring Goodluck

New Year Traditions Around The World That Bring Goodluck

New Year’s superstition and folklore have come from worldwide and have been passed down through the generations. That’s right, there’s more to a midnight kiss than you might think; and blowing horns and setting off fireworks is for more than just a cute social media photo. So we’ve compiled a list of some of the most popular New Year’s superstitions; some of which you may have never heard of. Even if you’re feeling lucky no matter what you do on New Year’s Eve, that comes just after Christmas Celebrations; know that many cultures believe that how you spend New Year’s Day will set the tone for the rest of the year. Here’s to New Year 2022, everyone.

Keep Money Under The Carpet 

If you want to have more money next year; consider saving it all up for New Year’s Eve, as some Romanians do. Rumour has it that sweeping bills under the rug before the clock strikes midnight ensures a prosperous year ahead for this group of Eastern Europeans. Wear red underwear and break some glasses while singing the classic “Happy New Year!” to increase your chances of winning.

Eat 12 Grapes At Midnight 

This Spanish food superstition is supposed to bring you good luck for the coming year.  At midnight, eat 12 grapes, one for each month, or skewer them and use them as a spectacular New Year’s Eve cocktail garnish. In India, you can also order New Year cake online at the midnight to celebrate New Year Eve.

Throw Broken Dishes At Your Neighbor’s House 

Most people throw broken dishes in the trash, but they do so in a far more imaginative way in Denmark. They save them; then, on New Year’s Eve, they fling the shards at the homes of their friends and relatives as a good luck gesture. Danes with less ferocious attitudes or simply weaker throwing arms can instead leave a stack of broken china on doorsteps.

Scarecrow Burning

In Ecuador, people make scarecrow-like effigies of politicians, pop stars, and other prominent figures by stuffing old garments with newspaper or sawdust and putting a mask on top. These effigies are then set on fire at midnight on New Year’s Eve as a symbolic cleansing. This Ecuadorian practice is meant to banish any misfortune from the previous year.

Casting Of Tin 

Finns can see into the future, and it looks a little like a melted piece of metal. Bubbles? Great, money is on the way. What happens when tin dissolves in water? Melting a little horseshoe and dumping the molten metal into a pail of cold water, where it re-hardens into a distorted shape that prophesies your fortune for the coming year, is a Nordic ritual. That’s not good at all.

Get Dressed Up

Is there such a thing as overdressing on New Year’s Eve? Put on your glitziest attire. It’s a special occasion, and people prefer to go overboard with the festive flare, so whichever outfit you choose, you’ll be in good company.

Choose The Colour And Wear A Underwear 

In many Latin American cultures, the underwear you wear on New Year’s Eve significantly influences your upcoming year. For example, yellow underwear is supposed to bring good luck or fortune in the new year. Red underwear, edible or not, is worn for love luck. Wearing black on New Year’s Eve is also regarded to bring bad luck in many world regions.

Kiss At Midnight 

Americans kissing their beloved someone at midnight has been a traditional ritual passed down from English and German folklore, supposed to bring good fortune and remove bad memories. Initially, it was thought that the first person you met at the start of the new year would determine whether you had good or bad luck for the rest of the year, so you’d kiss them to seal the deal. Over time, the custom evolved to allow you to choose who you wished to share your good fortune with.

Sweep Away Negativity

Before midnight, make sure your residence is fresh and clean. Cleaning and getting rid of the year’s rubbish is common in many Latin American countries to keep negativity from persisting into the new year.

Eat Black Eyed Peas 

Many Southern families celebrate New Year’s Day with a lavish feast of collard greens, pork, and black-eyed peas, a variety of legumes with a prominent black spot on its cream-coloured shell. The latter is considered to bring good fortune.