Most Subtle Ways To Send Signals To Your Crush Without Being Obvious

Most Subtle Ways To Send Signals To Your Crush Without Being Obvious
Most Subtle Ways To Send Signals To Your Crush Without Being Obvious

Dying to tell your crush that you like them but don’t want to come too strong that may scare them away? Crushes happen all the time, some are forgotten by the end of the day and some are serious. When you seriously start catching feelings for someone, each day feels like climbing a mountain till the time you actually tell them. It is like you are carrying some kind of burden and you cannot even share it with anyone, right? The only thing that revolves in your mind is to find a perfect chance to announce your love to that person. 

We all have been through this stage because at some point of time we all have had crushes. Some are lucky enough to have them as their partner, while some have made peace with the memory of their crush. If you don’t want to be in the second category, then you will have to gather some courage and get ready to throw out your feelings to ‘the one’. But wait, don’t just literally start throwing all you have been thinking about them as it will just push them away making you a creep. What if i tell you that you don’t need words to express what is cooking inside you, your gestures will do the task because one gesture is equal to a thousand words. A simple flower delivery is enough to send them signals. Just like this, here are some very subtle ways to send signals to your crush without being too obvious. 

Laugh When Your Crush Makes Jokes

All it takes is a laugh to make someone notice you. You know people like you more when they feel that you get their humour. So, you can use the tool of laughter to grab the attention of your crush. Laugh when they make jokes. When they will see you appreciating their humour, they will start showing interest in you as well. But don’t be all laughs on their lame jokes, it will be too obvious that it is a pity laugh

Make Eye Contact

One of the best ways to show that you like someone is by maintaining eye contact. That moment when you look someone in the eyes while having a conversation, it is a very intimate act. Whether in a group or having a direct conversation, maintain eye contact with your crush. Keep in mind, it should be in a more seductive way than staring them right in the eyes in a creepy way which will actually scare them off. While in a group, have little little eye contacts and pay more attention to this one person. This is one very clear signal that you can send.

Ask About Their Status

Well, this point is really important because all your tries will be a waste if the person is already seeing someone. So, a very important thing is to confirm if your crush is single and available. Obviously you cannot ask this question in just the first conversation. Take your time, but make sure that you ask in before getting too serious or pouring your feelings out. Also, this question gives a signal that the person may be asking out of their personal interest. 

Take Help Of Flowers

As I already mentioned flowers, you can totally depend on them. They have been a proven way to signal someone that you are into them. You can send flowers to them occasionally and use excuses like, “ it was lovely meeting you”, or “ these flowers made me think of you” and these simple words will signal that you are into them. 

Gentle Touch

If you are already friends with them, you can use it in your favour. This will make you understand the power of touch. You should gently reach out to gently touch them while having casual conversations. Be careful with the touch, it need not be very desperate as it will push them really away and they may put you under a bad touch category. It should be very casual and make sure that you observe their reaction to your touch. 

These are some very subtle ways that help you to send signals to your crush without being too obvious.