Lovely Rakhi Gifts For Your Brother Falling In Affordable Price Range

Lovely Rakhi Gifts For Your Brother Falling In Affordable Price Range

A brother is someone who annoys you all the time, experimenting with different tricks on you he learned from school which can be life risking at times. But he is also someone who will protect you from any kind of harm that can be caused to you. In short, explaining the relationship between brother and sister is nearly impossible. One time he is blackmailing you to pour out all your secrets in order to get something done from you and the other times he is just on his toes to help you when in need. 

Whatever he does to annoy you, deep down, don’t you know that he is your safest place to be in the whole world? So, its just impossible to not love brothers because they are just; the best’. For this ‘best bro’, you definitely need the best rakhi gift. It’s the best expression of your love and appreciation for your brother on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan. I know that exquisite rakhi gifts that really burn a hole in your pocket. But if your budget is restricted, you will still find some incredible rakhi gift ideas for your brother in the list below. 

Chocolate bouquet

Chocolates can never hurt you, neither with their taste nor with its price. Thankfully, something this delectable comes at such affordable prices. Chocolates are a popular rakhi gift that brothers and sisters buy for each other. The main reason is obviously the universal love for chocolates, many even buy it because chocolates are totally affordable and a definite pick that will bring a big smile on the receiver’s face. So, instead of buying a pack of chocolates just like everyone does, you can give it a twist and get a chocolate bouquet for your brother. Instead of flowers, chocolates will be hanging on the sticks making your brother’s eyes glow up. 

Indian sweets

Indian sweets play a vital role in the celebrations of Indian festivals. Indians are crazy and obsessed with Indian sweets and they just need a reason to buy boxes of them and festivals are the perfect excuse. If your bro has a true Indian heart, or maybe Indian taste buds, then he too must be a sugar craver. So, Indian sweets are a good and affordable rakhi gift idea. You get a plethora of sugary and syrupy treats in the market to select from. Pick the one your brother loves the most and watch him gulp the whole box within no time. Indian sweets are ideal to sweeten your bond with your bro. 


Ah! Something that does not involve eating – a plant. Plants are a thoughtful gift that you can give to someone really close. They express growth, success, just the things you wish for your brother,  right? Thankfully, such a meaningful gift comes at such reasonable prices that will suit any budget. You can get a cool planter that says ‘best bro”. 

These are some affordable rakhi gift ideas for your brother.