Let’s Make Diwali 2021 Safer For Pets & Stray Animals

Let's Make Diwali 2021 Safer For Pets & Stray Animals
Let’s Make Diwali 2021 Safer For Pets & Stray Animals

Diwali is one of the most happening festivals in India. Would you believe me if I say that there are some who don’t really like this festival. But it is the truth. Diwali is not a leant festival for pets and stray animals. I am pretty sure, you would not need any reasoning for that. No matter how energetic and happening this festival might be, our pets and stray animals have a hard time during this festival. The crackers, the air pollution and the remains of after Diwali celebration really bothers them. If you have a pet, you would know how they feel during this time. All terrified! So, when you order Diwali gifts for your loved ones, you tend to make them happy, right? Likewise, let’s make Diwali 2021 a much safer for pets and stray animals as well. Take a look and make Diwali better for them. 

Here’s how to make Diwali 2021 safer for pets & stray animals

Use Organic Colors For Rangoli:

When you have pets at home, it is highly recommended to use organic colors for the rangoli rather than chemicals. You can even use petals for designing rangoli. Even if your pet accidentally ends up licking the rangoli, it would not hamper its health.  

Leave No Wire Loose:

Lights and everything makes a place better, right? When you are in awe of the lights, don’t forget to check all the wires. Leave no wire left loose. Keeping a little extra caution will help you to avoid any mishap with your pet. 

Keep The Windows & Door Closes

If you don’t want to petrify your pet, you should keep the door & windows closed. The noise of the crackers terrifies the pets and stray animals. Keeping all windows shut and doors closed will help reduce the noise. Also, get online Diwali gifts delivery even for your pet. Just as the family members are important, likewise your pets are. They are family too. 

Don’t Feed Them Sweets:

You must be aware of the fact already that sweets are not good for girls. Even if you want to feed them, make a sugar-free sweets slot for them. A piece or two would be enough for them. 

Change Their Place:

If they are exposed to the open air, shift their place. Place them inside where the noise of crackers would not reach. 

So, these hacks will help you to make your pet’s Diwali much more safer and enjoyable.