Know How To Make Long-Distance Valentine’s Day Celebration Exceptional

Know How To Make Long-Distance Valentine’s Day Celebration Exceptional
Know How To Make Long-Distance Valentine’s Day Celebration Exceptional

What is the first thought that pops up in your mind as soon as you hear the word, Valentine’s day? Is it meeting your girlfriend or planning a surprise for her? Well, for me, it is getting a mouth-watering Valentines day cake online and getting on a heavenly taste ride with my partner. You must have been hopping on ideas to make that one person feel super special on Valentine’s day, right? However, if you are unfortunate enough to meet your sweetheart this Valentine’s day and it is going to be a long-distance Valentine’s day celebration, then, do not be dispirited. You have all the opportunity to make your beloved feel your love and emotions on Valentine’s day, although, you would not be getting those warm hugs and cuddles. Well, that can be easily compensated for by making Valentine’s day celebration a memorable event. Believe me, if you are able to get your partner butterflies in the stomach, then, there is no better way to tell your darling how much they mean to you. So, here are a few long-distance Valentine’s day celebration ideas that will absolutely move your partner’s heart. 

Stream A Romantic Movie Together

This is surely a cute way to celebrate Valentine’s day with your partner from a long-distance. Select a romantic movie, grab the same snacks, and start the movie at the same time. You would definitely forget that you guys are actually not physically watching the movie together. If you enjoy watching the movie with your favorite person, then, this idea might work for you. Keep the communication on through texts or calls in between the movie and share your points with each other. 

Craft Together

So, this is surely a challenging, yet fun activity to do with your bae on Valentine’s day. Keep your crafting gadgets handy and decide on a mutual design to be drawn and paint your canvas. Set a time limit and present your art in front of each other after the time is over. Let someone else decide the winner of this contest and keep gorgeous Valentine gifts handy for the winner. 

Make Your Night A Karaoke Night

This Valentine’s day, make your date night very special by singing some romantic songs for your bae over a call or video call session. No matter how bad a singer you are, your partner would surely be impressed by your gesture. Dedicate songs to your sweetheart which may help you convey your feelings to them effortlessly. Pick all the songs which are special for you both or remind you of some memory. It is really a sweet gesture to make your Valentine’s feel loved especially when you are miles apart. 

Go For A Face-time Dinner

Did you used to enjoy Valentine’s dinner with your bae every year? Don’t get disheartened as you can still enjoy your Valentine’s feast with your partner. How? Well, all you gotta do is cook or order the same food together from the same food chain and enjoy dinner with your bae on facetime. To make it more romantic, light up a few candles in the room and play some melodious romantic songs for your Valentine. Also, you can arrange some online Valentine flowers and get it delivered at their doorstep. This gesture of yours would be like icing on the cake. 

So, these are some easy yet very effective steps to make your long-distance Valentine’s day much more special. I know long distance sucks but you can turn this long-distance valentine as an opportunity to connect better with your bae.