Know About the Cool Stuffs About the Festival of Light


Diwali is the most special time of the year when the happiness is on the peak and the aura is filled with the festive vibes. The festival comprises of so many unusual facts, which is actually the main reason behind why Diwali is the most beautiful festival. It’s the festival of lights and an ideal time to share happiness in the form of Diwali gifts. From our point of view, Diwali is more than the festival of light. There are a lot of stuffs involved in the celebration which everyone performs on this occasion. So, let’s talk again about this festive commemoration. We have curated a list of some major points without Diwali seems incomplete. Check it out below!

Beginning of Hindu New Year

Yes, that’s true! Diwali marks the start of the Hindu New Year. Many businessmen, shopkeepers and traders, open new books of accounts, so it can also be said as the new Hindu financial year. People find this festival an auspicious one as it is a day to welcome Laxmi, the goddess of wealth, and that’s the reason they give a kick start to their new work on this day as well as buy gold and jewelry. The date varies every year as per the position of the moon. It usually falls between October and November.

Rangoli- Making Lives Colorful

Rangoli- Making Lives Colorful

A beautiful tradition of drawing rangoli is also followed all over India for ages. It’s an ancient art that is performed for adding grace to the entrance of the home. Different patterns, designs, and colors can make any soul filled with energy. In most cases, designs of rangolis are passed down through generation to generation. So, you can say that this is also a medium to connect with the ancestor’s values as well as remembering them on this auspicious occasion of Diwali.

Exchange Gifts- An Unusual Way to Share the Festive Joys

Exchange Gifts- An Unusual Way to Share the Festive Joys

Gifts are the ultimate gestures that can impress anyone with its incredible charm. On Diwali, people convey the best wishes of the festival by exchanging gifts. Even if they are unable to make their presence on this festival, they send Diwali gifts in Mumbai, Delhi or the place where their loved ones are residing using the delivery services offered by numero of gift portals.

Diyas to Remove the Darkness

Girl making Rangoli and decorating with Oil lamps for Diwali

Diwali 2019 is known as the festival of lights, so people decorate the patios with the row of earthen lamps. It not only beautifies your place but also brightens up the area removing the darkness of Kartik Amavasya. The entire house looks so beautiful with the gleam of diyas that you couldn’t stop yourself from saying, “Wow.”

Bursting Crackers to Keep Negative Spirits Away

Everyone is aware of the thing that people burst crackers on Diwali, but do you know the actual reason behind it? There is a belief that the sound of bursting crackers keeps the negative spirits away from the surroundings. Bursting crackers is also a gesture of joy of winning. As Diwali celebrates the victory of good over evil, so people celebrated this victory by bursting crackers.

Become the Light of Needy People’s Lives

Diwali is the most awaited and celebrated occasion of the year. This year, make it memorable by becoming the light in the lives of needy people. Diwali is itself a big occasion, so you have a great chance to indulge yourself in the act of giving. You can donate a desired amount of money, Diwali sweets, gifts, clothes, etc to any orphanage, nursing home, or the poor or needy on the occasion of Diwali.

The above-listed points are some of the best things about Diwali. We hope you like this blog and get some info about the festival you are looking for.