Here comes the merciless summer again, forcing all of us to rush indoors in the peak sun hours. People living in the area that face extreme summers will understand how harsh summer can be. It is way more different than the summers they show us in movies where everything is bright and chirpy with people flaunting floral patterns, enjoying popsicle sticks, and enjoying the poolside. In reality, you won’t even step out to buy a popsicle in the middle of the day when the sun is right overhead. I think that is enough to make my point that people prefer staying indoors as much as possible during the hot summer days, right? I mean, who likes having sunburns and unevenly pigmented skin.
Well, we have the option to stay indoors, but not everything can be shifted. I’m talking about flowers and your summer garden. Your summer garden has to face the heat no matter what temperature it is. Summer gardens are more colorful than winter ones, and there are more flower options in summer when you want to send flowers to your loved ones. That is because some pretty flowers can brave the scorching summer heat. Yes, flowers may be delicate looking, but here is a list of flowers that you can grow in summers to keep your garden bloomy, fresh and colorful.
Musk rose
The first name that will bloom in your garden is musk rose. Please don’t get confused by the name; it has nothing to do with the classic rose species, neither the appearance nor the scent. It is a whole different flower that you can add to your garden in summer. This is a popular flower in India that you can find easily. If you are planning to grow a musk rose in your garden, then this is the best time to plant one because its ideal blooming time is the month of May.
Do I even need to mention marigold in the list? Summer is the season of marigolds; in fact, it is a garden must-have in this season. If you maintain your garden, chances are you had this flower last summer, well, it’s time for their comeback. The bright color flower adds a pop of color to your garden. You can plant marigolds in pots and place the pot on the garden boundaries or your walls. A perfect pick for a sunny day.
Another summer flower that you can grow in your garden is named veronica. It is a beautiful flower that is available in two shades – red and blue. Both the colors look amazing; you can add both of them to bring color home. The flower prefers the sun if you live in the northern hemisphere, but since southern ones receive more sunlight, the flower would be happy in the shade. That is all you need for its care, so it is a perfect addition to your garden.
This flower has some mixed fans because some think of them more than necessary giant flowers, while others love the flower for its noticeable size. In my opinion, if you are looking for a flower that will fill up space in your garden with ease. Then dahlia should be your go-to because the flower is huge, and it will fill in a lot of space with prettiness. You can even pluck some dahlias to send flowers to someone.
These are some perfect summer flowers that can face the merciless heat of the summer season and still manage to bloom.