Find Out How You Can Use Your New And Old Flowers Creatively!

Find Out How You Can Use Your New And Old Flowers Creatively!
Find Out How You Can Use Your New And Old Flowers Creatively!

In these times, people have forgotten how versatile flowers are! They are not only beautiful and aesthetic, but they are also used in a lot of rituals, no matter what kind of household you belong to! These flowers have been replaced by artificial ones only because of their longevity. But all of us have no idea what we are missing out on! The grandeur of any kind of occasion can only be fulfilled by the presence of real, fragrant flowers that give a different sensation altogether.

In these times of everything being available online, flowers home delivery is also possible by a lot of companies. This is a great way to incorporate the usage of flowers at homes on a small scale, which can be used in so many ways!

Now, you must be thinking that the statement ‘Flowers can be used in so many ways’ has been used way too many times now, and yet there are not that many mentioned! Well, all you need to do is read further to know where all the new and the old flowers can be used by you!

Let us start with the uses of brand-new flowers apart from just decorating venues. 

Tea for every situation

If you still aren’t aware of the newest trend of having herbal teas, you, for sure, are living under a rock! With all the new trends, herbal teas have also garnered a lot of fame. But the fact is that these teas have been in the making since ancient times. Can you guess the star ingredient of these teas? Flowers, of course!

Different flowers are known to have different properties. When boiled in water, the flower extracts are released, making the drink a very beneficial one. For example, chamomile and jasmine tea are known to release all the stress and relax your mind. A rosehip concoction helps improve your immunity. Lavender tea helps you relax and gets rid of any anxiety you may be facing.

Decorate not only the venue but also your food!

You must have seen a flower is used for the decoration of a plate when you go to high end, five-star hotels. Well, they are mainly there for the presentation. But they also add a separate kind of texture to your food, which can come across as a surprise element for the customer. The only thing the chef has to make sure of is that these flowers are edible.

Violets and chive blossoms are commonly found in salads as they add a dash of color to your regular, boring bowl of greens. Batter your dandelion or squash flowers and fry them to make fritters that taste amazing! All you can candy your flowers and use them to decorate cakes and cookies.

Some major uses of dry flowers are as follows:

Drying and pressing them

It is natural to get a bouquet as a gift. Instantly, they are pushed to the side and are forgotten in a minute. And they dry out in a few days. One thing you can do to save up this dried bouquet is sprayed it with hairspray in 3-day gaps. This will help retain the shape and form of the dry flowers for a little longer than normal.

Another way to save your flowers is by pressing them. For this, you can take individual flowers out of your bouquet, preferably flat ones like daisies, and press them between a book. Make sure to put a lot of weight on it. Leave them for 7 to 10 days. After that, you will get your pressed flowers that you can compile and frame. Who knew dried flowers work great as a decoration.

Scented candles and bath bombs at home!

Scented candles are some of the best ways to relax after a tiring day at work. And so is a great bath, especially in a bathtub with a bath bomb! We all know that both these products are pretty damn expensive and are an investment. Why not do a DIY and make these at home itself!

You can get plenty of tutorials to make your bath bombs and candles at home. But the addition of dried flowers into them will make them all the more relaxing and extremely fragrant!

All of these tips are just a gist of what you can do with flowers. There are so many more things where flowers can be made into a showstopper! All you need to do is give it some credit instead of underestimating it! Once you understand how to use flowers, there is no going not forget to get your flower delivery in Lucknow today and get started on these crazy yet creative ideas with your new flowers, and use the rest when they dry up!