Easy Homemade Christmas Treats To Try This Holiday Season

Easy Homemade Christmas Treats To Try This Holiday Season
Easy Homemade Christmas Treats To Try This Holiday Season

If Santa is reading this, please skip candies for me this year, I will take care of the treats, you concentrate on getting a Chanel bag, a Gucci perfume, a COVID-19 free world and a ticket to Maldives – thank you!  Okay okay, I got carried away, but I’m not to be blamed, because it’s the holiday season and we have all the rights to get excited. Well, if you still can’t feel the Christmas vibes, start baking Christmas treats because everyone needs a classic Christmas cake to start the season and get into the feels. 

Call me a weirdo, but baking becomes more enjoyable in the dark, cold weather. December  is the official darkest and coldest month of the year, and fortunately Christmas falls in this month, so that means there are lots of things to love about this month. And most of those things are usually baked and sugar coated. This time, get your hands dirty and try out some new Christmas treats at home. After all, treats are the first reason why we eagerly wait for this season, right? Also, If you think on the positive side, baking actually brings positivity by teaching us that besides all the mess, the result is always beautiful. Whether you are planning a cozy dinner with your close ones or want to send out treats to your friends, here are some ideas of Christmas desserts that will make a lot of supplies. So, put up some jazzy Christmas music, and let’s get started. 

Snowflake cookies

Do I even have to tell you this? Well, winters, Christmas, holidays and snow all are pearls on the same thread. So, any of these elements can be reflected in your treats. Lets begin with snowflake cookies. Cookies are a one of the most loved sugary treats especially in this weather as it is a perfect excuse to sip some hot chocolate along. The Best part of making cookies at home is that you can make them in any shape that you like. You have all the rights to experiment with your dough. Oh, and don’t forget to garnish your snowflake cookies with powdered sugar to give the real snow effect. 

Santa belly cheesecake

Want to impress Santa with your baking skill? Then try this cake based on the Santa theme (basically, his belly).  It is a simple Christmas cake just shaped as a big fat belly of Santa. You can make the cake layers with any of your favorite flavor, just make sure that you design it in the appropriate theme. For that, you can use the fondant if you know how to work with it. Else, you can always try a simple design.  This big fat cake will solve the purpose of your new year cake as well. Just kidding. 

Popcorn stars

Ah! Another creative yet delectable treat that you can try at home – popcorn stars. These stars are not only apt for the theme, but are also capable to satisfy your taste buds. The popcorn stars are candied to enhance the taste. It is a perfect beled of three items that are loved individually as well. When you add candies on the top, they perfectly look like edible ornaments, so you can serve them to your friends and family.

Custard trifle

The famous custard trifle – if you are a F.R.I.E.N.D.S fan, you know what I’m talking about. Well, even the right ingredients are used, this is a multilayered treat that is ought to impress the crowd. It does not require much effort and the fact that custard trifle gives you a break from cookies and puddings, makes it a must try thing. But be careful with the ingredients, you wouldn’t want to mess up  just like Rachel did.  

Christmas white truffles

Last on the list is a soul satisfying treat that will leave you wanting more. The perfect little Christmas themed white chocolate truffle balls will make your hands messy, but its totally worth it. Send them to your friends as well because these look really cute.

With that, ita wrap on the list, hope they make your holiday season better. 

This Christmas, don’t forget to buy new oven mitts because you are going to do some real baking.