Caution: 5 Promises That Should Never Be Broken In Any Relationship

Caution: 5 Promises That Should Never Be Broken In Any Relationship
Caution: 5 Promises That Should Never Be Broken In Any Relationship

If you have a habit of breaking things and stuff all over your place, here is an alert for you. Never break certain promises in your relationships. When you fall in love with someone and make them fall for you, you tend to make certain promises to the person to give them reassurance. You would be rotting in hell if you break these promises and hurt your partner. Now that it is Valentine’s week going on, promise day is one of the most important days of the week. Yes, you heard me right. It is famous saying that Promises are meant to be broken, yet not all promises you should break. This Promise day, not only make promises to your sweetheart with amazing promise day gifts, but also make your sweethearts realise that you won’t be breaking any of these 5 promises. So, let’s jump into the article now to check the certain promises you should never break. I repeat, NEVER! 


Break my favorite wine glass, I might forgive you, But break my trust once, I will break your leg. Yes, trust is one of those promises that when broken in any relationship, ruins the foundation of the relation itself. Well, trust in a relationship is something that when broken cannot be repaired. It is one of those damages that once done, done forever. So, no matter through which phase your relationship might go, you should never break the trust. It is the best promise of love that you can get for your partners a sign of respect. 


Everyone deserves to be respected, right? So, when it comes to relationships, you must respect your partner and must get back the respect back. Yes, there is no love without having respect for one another. If you love your partner, there is no way that you would disrespect them. Having or making excuses for disrespecting your partner, is no escape for the same. So, if you want a long term and healthy relationship, then, you should be making the promise of respecting one another. Get an online promise day gift for your sweetheart when you promise them this. 


For me, a happy and a strong relationship is when you support your partner no matter what. Be in all the mischievous things you do together, or any emotional trauma you have to face it with your partner. What is the essence of having any re;lationship when you make your partner feel that they are alone? Be with them through thin and thick, and there you go, with a happily ever after relationship.


Do you ever lie to your best friend? No, right? No matter how embarrassing it could be, you  would be sharing it with your bff anyway. So, when you start lying to your partner, you lose that bff thing with them. And believe me, there is nothing more fragile than having a relationship where you are not bestfriends with your sweetheart. Keep your heart open in front of your sweetheart and talk.


So many strong and good relationships break over the communication problem. Yes, this problem is not that big than it actually becomes. You seriously need to work on your communication if you want to make things fall back into the right place. Trust me, once you work on your communication thing, the other problems from your relationship would vanish as well. 

So, make these promises the foundation of your relationship, and witness your relationship turning into a #relationshipgoals sort of relation. Make this promise day a thoughtful event for you and your loved ones.