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Ways To Use ‘The Flower Power’ To Level Up Your Summer Skincare
Is skincare your new obsession? Well, you are not alone, this quarantine has dragged many of us into it, which is actually a good thing. Taking care of the skin should be your priority and not just be a ‘quarantine thing.’ Understandably, quarantine gives you ample time to pay attention to the skin, especially in summers, but hey! It's...
5 Advice To Keep Your Long-distance Relationship Go Smooth
What do you think of the idea of being in a long-distance relationship? Would you consider being in one? When it comes to long-distance relationships, we generally have this premonition that they never work. It is like you and your partner living miles apart, with distance and lots of trust issues between both of you. This thought makes us...
11 Early Spring Flowers To Welcome This Spring
Spring is the most incredible time of the year. Followed by the bone freezing winters, it is a season of the most vibrant and radiating flowers. Blooming of the spring flowers in the wake of Summer season just brightens up the surroundings. One can never get enough of their aroma. Spring brings along exotic flowers that soothe not only...
8 Things That You Would Love Enjoying During Monsoon In India
Are you even Indian, if you are not obsessed with monsoon already? Monsoons in India are a sheer blessing, and we all just helplessly drool over it. Moreover, monsoon is a time where you can give rest to your soul and mind. The beauty monsoon brings along is the utmost reason everyone loves it. The clouds come floating in...
Signs That Will Confirm If You Are Falling In Love With Someone
Someone’s been giving you butterflies in your tummy lately? If you are searching for this, then my friend, chances are you have already fallen for someone. And this time it might not just be a fling! Well, falling in love is one of the best feelings in the world, or should I say great feeling because perfecting a winged eyeliner...
5 Survival Tips to Work Things Out in a Long-Distance Relationship
As the saying goes that ‘Distance is just some mile in a relationship, what it matters is the time you give to each other’. Most of you must have understood what I am talking about in today’s blog. Yes, today we will be seeing how long-distance relationships really can go a long way if maintained properly by two very...
Make your Gifts More Worthy by Adding Flowers Onto Them
Why send a boring usual gift when you can pep it up by adding some bunches of radiant flowers to it? Isn’t it very common for all of us to send gifts to our loved ones in the same old form? Bruh!!! It is boring of course. I thought why not add some beautiful flowers to it and then...
5 Captivating Wedding Themes Perfect for your Big Day
Choosing the right wedding themes is one of the most tedious and complicated tasks while you are preparing yourselves for the big day. Do you like to go down the romantic path, or keep things new and contemporary? Once you finalize the wedding theme that suits you, then the rest of your wedding plans can automatically be passed on....
Are You Sharing A Healthy & Strong Relationship With Your Partner?
To maintain a healthy and strong relationship, it is so important to check yourself first: are you in a healthy relationship or not? Yes, sometimes it appears that you and your partner do share a healthy relationship but a little. Did you know that every foundation of your relationship is falling through the cracks? The unsaid and unchecked glitch...
How Flowers can help the World to Recover after a Long Fight from COVID-19?
    - “This too shall pass” This is the hope that is feeding positivity to people’s hearts whilst they are locked in their house amidst the outbreak of coronavirus. Simplest of the simple tasks like getting ready to catch the school bus, running to the nearest grocery store to get the carton of milk whenever required or even a morning walk...