Be a Secret Santa this Christmas


Christmas is around the corner and all we can think about is green trees, bright lights, cheerful faces, decorations, hot chocolate, gifts, and surprises. The day is the essence of togetherness, thankfulness, and warmth we share with each other. Well, the center of attraction remains the gift. Now that we know there’s no man riding in the air on Rudolph to get down from the chimney and leave presents anonymously, we have something called secret Santa. No matter how old we get, the phenomena never fail to keep the excitement alive. For the unaware, secret Santa is when the members of a group come together and pull out random names from a box. The person has to get them a Christmas gift without credit. Needless to say, you can guess who was your secret Santa, but that’s the fun, isn’t it?

Well, we all have surprised our loved ones with gifts on every occasion. But have you ever tried surprising unknown people? Trust us, that gives you immense joy and that person will remember you forever, even though you might not see each other ever again. Your single action can give you both a sense of value and satisfaction. We all feel unwanted at some time, but there’s someone who is with us, always and forever. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for a few. So this Christmas, try to put a smile on those faces who did not even imagine receiving a gift. It feels wonderful doing something with no strings attached. You can spread good vibes and make them feel what they are: special, worthy, and loved. 

If you are looking to make a difference, try doing the odds anonymously like giving away something useful to those in need. Besides, there’s this great Indian saying “Neki kar aur dariya main daal” which means “do good and seek no reward.” If you are looking to make someone’s Christmas merrier, here are a few things you can do:

Donate your old clothes

Giving gifts doesn’t always have to be about money and budget. You can still make someone happy by giving away your old clothes. They’d rather be a new festive wear for them. Winter season is hard for those living on the roadsides and your old boring clothes can be a festive wear for them. If not clothes, a blanket or quilt can also protect them from wintertime. You know what you can do with that big pile laying on the side!

Flowers/ Chocolates to random people

You know how it feels if we are out and someone asks for any kind of donation or promotion. Well, you can do the same, but without annoying the other side. Instead of walking up to them and asking for a favor, you can hand over flowers and chocolates. While the gifts may not be heavy but these little actions will make their day. Moreover, their smiles and wishes will uplift your mood as well. They may see their Santa, but you can still maintain the secrecy. We are certain the scene will be unforgettable for both of you.

Donation to NGO

We spend a huge amount on ourselves and our loved ones and that’s perfectly fine. However, considering if you spend a little for those in need, you can get the satisfaction that no materialistic thing can provide. Our next idea for being a secret Santa is to donate to any NGO working for under-privilege. It can be an organization for women, blinds, handicapped, or any other natural or human victims. They will certainly feel valuable when you will show up with any kind of donation.

Eatables to an Orphanage

Thankfully, if you are privileged enough to have a roof over your head, meals throughout your day, and a family to love you are honored more than you think. However, there are children out there who do not have access to any of these. They miss out on all the love, good food, and a few opportunities we get. This Christmas, you can be the reason they get to smile! We know how much children loves snacks. So, this 25th, take your time to visit an orphanage with some eatables like pastries, cake, chocolates, fries, etc. Besides, Santa is for kids!

Spend time at an old age home

As said, a gift need not depend on money. A simple gesture and a solemn effort can also be remembered for a lifetime. You can visit an old age home and spend time with the people there. They miss their families who have left them on their own and they crave the love of young ones. In fact, you don’t need to carry anything (if you can, you should), just spend some time, talk to them, listen to their stories, play games, and do other stuff that makes them feel involved. This is the best Christmas gift you can give, the gift of attention!

Let’s agree, this is the true meaning of being a secret Santa, right? Your knowns could have easily guessed that you came up with the present that eliminates the fun of secrecy. Anyway, Merry Christmas to all of you. Do not forget to share your love with the people around you. Also, don’t forget us!