Anti Valentine’s Day Week List – What Are The After Effects Of V-Day

Anti Valentine’s Day Week List - What Are The After Effects Of V-Day
Anti Valentine’s Day Week List - What Are The After Effects Of V-Day

Last week was full of love, romance, and intimacy as the world was celebrating the week called “the valentine’s week”. Love was in the air and you could literally spot hearts all over the place whether it was newspapers, newsletter or even ads that pop up in your phone.  I mean placing little hearts on everything was sort of mundane so that even single people start missing their partner. Well, Valentine’s for you friends and before you pat yourself for the good job that you celebrated Valentine’s week perfectly, made your partner happy and everything, wait!

Because the party is not over yet. You don’t always get the good side of everything, here is more. The stretch of valentine’s week is here as i have come across the list of days that are celebrated after 14th February. You can call it the anti valentine’s list because there are a list of days that you may not want to celebrate at all. Yes, that the dark side of V-day, i would say that it is mostly for the people who don’t believe in the concept of soulmates, true love etc. so, basically you send flowers, have a good time and then go anti valentine. Or you may belong to the group who start their celebrations after the 14th. Here is a list of days celebrated after the valentine’s day. 

15th February – Slap Day

Kay after the beautiful love days like chocolate day, teddy day, hug day, kiss day and the ever famous valentine;s day, the 15 th day of this love month is not so lovely. The 15th february is booked for ‘slap day’. I know that’s rude, why would there be a slap day in the world? But there is. This may not be not as famous as the Vday but people who think that valentine’s day suks, or have been waiting to break up with their partner but were just nice enough to not to spoil the love week, celebrate the day by slapping their partner, only if you are brave enough. 

16th February – Kick Day

Okay, some more hate coming your way as slap day is followed by kick day. Killing every attempt to spread world peace, 16 th february is booked for kick day. If you are daring to slap your valentine’s date, or ex partner, you may kick that person as well to throw the anger. Okay, that’s a lot of negativity in one day. You can instead celebrate this day by kicking your ego away and becoming a better person. 

17th February – Perfume Day

After kick day, then comes the perfume day on the 17th of this month. As the name suggests, the day is celebrated by the couple and on this day, they share perfumes with each other. Okay, i know this makes no sense, but not everything is meant to make sense, right? 

18th February – Flirting Day

Phew! Now i feel better now as after days like slap day and kick day, there are days like flirting day. Well, I think every day should be a flortig day because it is completely harmless and even makes people happy.  

19th February – Confession Day

Get ready to throw out some truth because on 19th feb, we are cele braying the confession day. On this day, couples have to confess anything they did wrong. 

20th February – Missing Day

The second last day of this week is booked by missing day. According to the name, you are ought to miss your partner on this day. 

21st February – Break up Day

Finally comes the break up day and the whole valentine’s scene is finally over by breaking up with the one you were planning on to.  

This is the list of anti valentine’s week celebrated after V-Day.