Interesting Things To Talk About With Your Crush To Initiate A Conversation

Interesting Things To Talk About With Your Crush To Initiate A Conversation
Interesting Things To Talk About With Your Crush To Initiate A Conversation

Uyyyyyyy! You have a crush on someone? Isn’t it the best feeling in the world? Everything seems nice around this world and you cannot concentrate on anything because you are found daydreaming all the time. It makes you a happier person because a thought of your crush always keeps a smile on your face, right? But are you satisfied with just adding them in your account? If you want to take things further, the next challenge is to initiate a conversation. I know you may be tempted to know everything about them and ask hundreds of questions, but when it comes to actually chatting with your crush, all the words seem to fly off the mind. 

Texting and talking to your BFF is so easy because with them, you can be funny, witty, and weird. But, you have to think twice when it’s your crush on the other side and that’s what sometimes makes you run out of topics leading to an awkward silence. To make the conversation go, you need topics that invite a response, at least inspire a little curiosity or open a door to other topics. The best way to start an easy yet playful conversation is by keeping things light and instead of attacking them with ‘what’s your plan for future’, stick to ‘ which flower do you like’. It will not scare them away and will help you to send flowers in future. 

I can suggest some interesting things to talk about which are better than your “hey”. Although a solid conversation is not a guarantee that he or she is going to fall for you, it certainly can raise the chances. Let’s begin the seeding. 

Favorite Hangout Joints

Food connects us all, it is the best thing in life because it not only gives satisfaction to your taste buds and tummy, but it also gives you topics to initiate with your crush. So, ask them about the places they most like to eat at, take the question further by asking them if they would like to accompany you to their favorite place, I’m sure he or she won’t be able to say no to food. you can get to know them better if you know what type of food they prefer and the places they like going to. After all, this will be useful information when you have to take them for a date in the near future. 

Talk About Movies

You know movies are an amazing way to connect with a person. You can ask your crush what type of movies they like, which is their favorite movie, have they seen a particular movie? If yes, ask them what they think about that? Talking about movies, favourite characters can actually tell you a lot about a person if you pay attention. You can even start the conversation by saying ‘I’m trying to pick a comedy movie, can you suggest any? This will initiate a topic and you can continue it by asking it casually if he or she would also like to join you (add ‘sometime’, just in case). 

Places They Have Explored

When out of topics, and you don’t want the conversation to end, you can carry it forward by asking your crush about the places they have been to, ask if they like travelling, what did they like the most in a particular place they went to, or as the places they would like to explore. You will know if they are a beach person or a mountain lover. 

Share Memes

Nothing connects two people more than laughter. When you are thinking about them and want to slip in their inbox, then you can give it a shot by sharing funny memes. Memes can really save a dying conversation. At least you will know if the person has a sense of humor or not, it will save you from offending him or her with your joke. But don’t start playing meme games, because it’s a trap and you will get stuck in just sharing memes with each other.  

These are a few interesting topics that will help you initiate a conversation with your crush. Just keep it light and simple, oh and don’t forget to use emojis otherwise the chat looks really bland.