7 Things We Never Thought We’d Miss During Quarantine – Yet We Do!

7 Things We Never Thought We’d Miss During Quarantine - Yet We Do!
7 Things We Never Thought We’d Miss During Quarantine - Yet We Do!

You don’t know what’s missing until it’s gone. Ah! Heard it many times, but understand it now. Honestly tell me, the last time you were eating out in your favourite restaurant, did this ever cross your mind that you might not be able to come back there for a very long time? No, right? Neither of us had an idea; else we might have stuffed our tummies a little extra with our favourite food to survive the lockdown days, right? But none of us knew that the situation would get this serious and we would get our summer break in this form. 

Sometimes I feel that I took my freedom so granted, and now each passing day makes me realize this. No one would have ever imagined that staying indoors will be the only way out to survival. Thinking about what we will do when all this is over, and we pass it, it’s the new official way to pass the time during the lockdown. When most countries in the world are placed under quarantine, you know what that leads to? Obviously, the air is getting cleaner and birds are chirpier than ever, but other than this, it has made us miss and appreciate the little things in life. Following are some of the things that you might relate to.   

Meeting with our friends and family

Are you regretting the last time you cancelled the program of meeting up with your friends? Well, me too! But that time we didn’t know that next time the government would be cancelling our plan. Though we all are connected over phones all the time, but don’t you miss those warm hugs from your friends and family? 

Eating our favourite desserts

Well, it would not be wrong to say that lockdown has awakened the Masterchef inside people and they have been cooking, clicking and posting. As soon as you log on to social media, one is flooded with thousands of pictures of self-prepared dishes. You might have tried your hands as well, but dont we all miss that online cake delivery from our favourite bakery and the flavours of their desserts? 

Miss our workplace

Umm… okay, I know you don’t want to admit this, but there is a major missing of going to office as well? I mean, don’t you miss your routine? Your seat? Your cubicle? Your colleagues? Your desk tea? I know you do. 

The morning alarms

The most irritating thing in the world back then was the morning alarm. It felt like we all are slaves of time, and when the clock decides, we willingly or unwillingly would have to wake up. Well, in the initial days of the lockdown it was more like “hurray! I don’t have to set the alarm for the morning. But now, we have kind of started missing it. 

Dressing up and look the best

When was the last time you dressed up and gave Ootd goals? Long time back, right? Because same? Now it is living in pyjama these days. Even if you dress up, you have no place to go. 

Bike rides

Ah! I think this should have been on the top of the list. Aren’t we all missing bike rides and long rides with our favourite person?

Shopping at our favourite brands

Shopping is like food to some people (yes, I’m some people). Waiting for sales soon turned into waiting for malls to open. We all had plans for summer shopping but…..

These are the top things people have been seen craving for, just hope you get to do whatever you are missing, super soon.