7 Myths Debunked About Money Plant

Money Plant

The money plant, also known as Pothos, is a popular indoor plant. It is a common plant in every household, believed to bring wealth and prosperity. However, a lot of myths surround this green beauty. Let’s debunk the top 7 myths about the money plant to help you care for it better and clear misconceptions. 

Money Plant Brings Wealth

    Fact: While the money plant is believed to attract wealth, fortune, and prosperity according to Vastu, it definitely doesn’t magically increase your bank balance. Its association with wealth is more about creating a positive and peaceful environment in your home, which can influence your mindset and boost productivity.  

    Wealth Money Plant

    The Plant Needs Direct Sunlight

      Fact: It is said that money plant requires direct sunlight to thrive. Whereas it can survive in all light conditions, including low-light conditions, and purely indoors as well. In fact, direct sunlight can scorch its leaves, causing damage. The plant is strong enough to tolerate various light conditions but prefers bright, indirect light.

      Money Plant light conditions

      It Only Grows in Soil

        Fact: Another myth is that money plants only grow in soil. However, it can grow in water, soil, and pots. The fattest way to grow your plant is water. For healthy water growth, change water once a week. If using soil, water the soil once a week in summer and every couple of weeks in winter. Additionally, ensure that the pot you’re using has a good drainage system.

        Money Plant in water

        Cutting the Plant Brings Bad Luck

          Fact: some people believe that cutting money plant invites unfortunate turn of events. Although there is no factual backing. Rather pruning the plant promotes healthy growth and helps maintain its shape. Likewise, there’s another misconception that picking out dried leaves from the plant can prevent unwanted things from happening. Again, there’s no evidence to support the belief

          Pruning Money Plant

          You Can Not Grow It Outside

            Fact: While the money plant is a popular indoor plant, you can also grow it outdoors in suitable climates. It thrives in tropical and subtropical regions, where it can grow vigorously. The myth of it being an indoor plant has no base as a money plant can bloom surprisingly well given that the climate conditions are appropriate.

            Money Plant Outdoors

            Stealing It To Get Prosperity

              Fact: One of the most common myths associated with money plants is that stealing a cut of it from someone will bring their money into your home. The max they can do is improve air quality, reduce stress, promote harmony, and add aesthetic value, just as they do at any other place.

              Money Plant

              The More Leaves It Has, the More Money You’ll Get

                Fact: The number of leaves on a money plant has no connection to your financial status. While a bushy plant may look attractive, wealth and prosperity come from hard work and smart decisions, not from the plant’s leaf count.  

                Leafy Money Plant

                The money plant is a wonderful addition to any space for its aesthetic appeal and low maintenance. However, it’s essential to separate myths from facts to care for your plant effectively and enjoy its true benefits. Embrace it for its ability to purify air and enhance positivity, rather than relying on superstitions for financial gain!