5 Inevitable Changes Fatherhood Brings In a Man’s Life

5 Inevitable Changes Fatherhood Brings In a Man’s Life

Well, we all have heard sayings like that it is almost impossible to understand a woman, a woman is a mystery that even her creator could not solve and a lot more, right? However, I truly believe that if observed carefully, the patterns of traits of all women are a lot more similar and could be traced. The turnover here is of the fact that understanding a man is more of a rocket science than it seems for women. All these years being around an array of men, sharing different relationships with them, with that of a father’s, brother’s, a friend or a partner, I am very sure to say that I am nowhere near to claim that I fully understand any man holding a position in my life. Yes, men are strangely strong in hiding their true selves. To support my argument here, I can gently quote the example of the changes a man’s life sees when he enters fatherhood. Just when you thought you knew your husband or partner, boom! Get ready to introduce yourself to his fatherhood phase and the changes that it brings along. Since father’s day is approaching real fast now, get father’s day gifts online and share this article with someone you think should read this. 

A Dad’s Brain Appears To Be A Mom’s Like

When a man enters into fatherhood, his brain reshapes itself into emotional and cognitive engagements that can be found in a mom’s brain and instincts. Also, we have observed that fathers who are the primary source of childcare, get the emotional connectivity more activated than others. The emotions, love, fears that are produced in a man as a father are more similar to those of the mothers. So, when your brain and mind conclude the fact that your partner lacks emotions, his fatherhood will leave you in a complete state of shock.

Dads Too Experiences Hormonal Changes

What comes to your mind when you hear of changes? Childbirth, pregnancy or breastfeeding, are the changes that pop in our mind the fastest. So, we think that hormonal changes are something that only women face and possess, right? However, when a man enters into fatherhood, he too faces hormonal changes. Strange but it’s true. It has been recorded by a study that there are a number of hormones produced in a man like an estrogen, oxytocin, prolactin and glucocorticoids after he becomes a father. It is to be noted that contact with the mother and the baby, induces the hormones in the man. The level of oxytocin is found to be at an increased level in men who show more affection and love towards their children. 

Birth Of New Neurons In Fathers

The extent of the effects of fatherhood in a man’s life surprisingly reaches to his neuronal level. In a study, it has been found that there is the birth of new neurons in the brains of fathers after the birth of their child. The reason behind this phenomenon is the new dimension that a child brings with him into his parents’ life. 

Enhances Their Sensitivity Towards Their Children’s Voice

Just as the maternal instinct of identifying the unique cry of babies the mothers possess, the same is for the fathers. So, the way mothers are responsible towards their children, it has been observed that the fathers too perform almost equally the same. This father’s day, make the event a memorable saga for a father by booking an online father’s day gifts delivery for the same.

Increases The Level Of Oxytocin

Well, most of us must be very well aware of the fact that the higher the level of oxytocin level in a human’s body, the higher would be the level of their love and affection. So, the baby-father bond tends to increase naturally since the level of oxytocin produced in the father boosts one they enter the fatherhood ship. 

So, this fathers day, let the love and affection of a father be justified and celebrated by acknowledging their love for their kids.