5 best ways to make a girl accept your proposal – Purpose Day

5 best ways to make a girl accept your proposal - Purpose Day
5 best ways to make a girl accept your proposal - Purpose Day

Propose day is an opportunity for all the people who are in love and want to propose someone special. It’s easy to say go and submit your love but it is difficult for the person who is going to offer propose. To make your proposal successful, you need to plan and prepare everything perfectly.

Be yourself

This is something most important while proposing your girl. You need not overreact while proposing. The girl should accept you for what you are. You should keep it simple and sweet as your lover. If you want to win your woman’s heart, then be creative and be yourself.

Be yourself

Bend down on your knees

Yes, this is one of the oldest ways of proposing a girl. But Old is Gold. It will sure shot turn out to be a winner. A red rose or a beautiful ring in hand would be perfect for proposing your girl.

Bend down on your knees

Make her out to a place where you first met

Recreate the same moment. Your actions will surely move her. You will definitely get a positive response. It’s one of the romantic ways to propose.

Make her out to a place where you first met

Candlelight Dinner

This is classic but one of the romantic way to propose your dream girl. Candles are one of the main element of romantic dinner. You can play some romantic tracks there and it will be the perfect timing to propose your girl.

Candlelight Dinner

On the beach at the time of sunset

Take your girl on a beach and propose her at the time when the sun is going to set. It is a romantic moment for all people. And girls love romantic moments. You can propose her with a ring with bending your knee down. Or you can also write your proposal on the sand. This will surely melt her heart.

On the beach at the time of sunset

Propose a girl on this propose day using these ideas. You will surely get a positive response. And don’t forget to take her the special gift that you will give her after she says yes to your proposal.