4 Ways Of Surviving A Break-Up & Move On Quickly

4 Ways Of Surviving A Break-Up & Move On Quickly
4 Ways Of Surviving A Break-Up & Move On Quickly

Breaking up ain’t easy, right? Isn’t it an idiotic question to ask? Of course, it is. However, there is something harder than breaking up. It is nothing else but dealing with break-ups right before you were planning to propose to your partner. Especially when everyone around seems to be in love and the world is all enjoying and there you are, eating fried snacks and watching those over-dramatic daily soaps with your mother. You get an ache in the heart when your best friend receives online gifts delivery from her/his partner, and you don’t, don’t you? And when your friend tells you their Valentine’s day or about a special date, and you are not a part of it is another level of heartbreak. So, aren’t these reasons enough worth-cringing for being single when you were planning to get settled? Yes, you all have the answer! 

All of a sudden, the world seems to look cruel and heartless. Don’t they realize, not everyone has a smooth love life? Here is when I am going to distract the discussion of this article. Being sad and depressed after a break-up is a part of the journey to healing. However, getting toxic thoughts just because everyone around you seems to be in love, is not the right approach to deal with both your break-up and life, after a brutal break-up. Here is a free guide to spending your move on quickly after a break-up, which would make you feel better and will also make you stronger. Let’s jump into it!

  • Book Yourself A Relaxing Gateway! 

No, don’t worry. I won’t ask you to break your bank now! Relaxation could be a short trip to the mountains or beachside, or it could be at a mall or even a park as well. It should just comfort your soul. Be it listening to your favorite music tunes, or it could be meditating on your terrace. Now that you are no longer with that person, you can be your date as you have always wanted to. Eat your favorite food, watch your favorite movie, get yourself flowers or dresses, or just lay down in your bed doing absolutely nothing.

  • Get A Gift For Your Ex? Return It & Enjoy:

Did your ex break up with you after you bought a gift for him/her? Poor you! Never mind. The best thing you can do now is to return that gift and spend that money on yourself. Get yourself a spa session, a Chanel, or what about a road trip to your favorite destination? Yes, go and treat yourself with a delicious and gorgeous treat. Also, good food is a great remedy for stress and anxiety, so it would definitely boost your mood. 

  • Plan A Girl’s Night:

(Disclaimer- Well, this point is basically for girls who just broke up. Boys can also take this advice, but calling girls over your place might discomfort your landlord.) Having many girls in your group is a blessing. You know why? Because there is always that one girl in your group as single as you are. So, whether it’s hitting a bar, going for dinner, or just chilling in your pajamas in your home, she will always be ready to be your “single partner-in-everything.” 

  • Spend Time With Your Parents: 

I have once been through this dreadful phase, and believe me, parents are the most peaceful faces, you will need to see every now and then. Yes, take your parents out for dinner, order their favorite food and desserts, and make them feel how important they are to you. Believe me; there would not have been a better memory for you! Order gifts online for your parents and heal, seeing them smile wide.

So, stand tall even if you are badly broken. Celebrate the season of love with love and passion because hey, love is not a bad thing; after all, it just did not happen to click with you. Do try these four ways and make yourself feel better than yesterday!