4 Best Blooms To Grow In Your Kitchen Gardens This Summer!

4 Best Blooms To Grow In Your Kitchen Gardens This Summer!
4 Best Blooms To Grow In Your Kitchen Gardens This Summer!

Hey pals! How is your quarantine going? I know it can be hard sometimes (that too even in a single day) not seeing your friends and close ones whenever you wish to, not being able to go to your favourite places and wandering around your own city has become questionable. But you know if we think on the bright side, it is a much needed break that the whole world required and was wishing for, from a long time now. I know I know it is slightly different from what you wished for, but hey! You can make this lockdown fun too. How, you ask? Well, by focusing on your hobbies and passions that shifted to the last spot of your priority list. 

Be it the yoga classes by Shilpa Shetty you always wanted to attend, or it is the recipes that you have been accumulating to try one day, believe me, now is that one day. And the ones who hold gardening as their hobby, I have got something for you. Firstly, those of you who are fortunate enough to have outdoor gardens (or even small patches where little blooms can reside), consider yourself lucky because it will help you to get through this quarantine easily. Here is a list of the best flowers that you can grow in your kitchen garden along with your herbs. So that when all this ends, you can immediately send flowers to your loved ones that are freshly cut from your summer garden. 

Sweet Alyssum

Let’s begin the list with sweet alyssum flowers that will scent up your living spaces. Yes, true to its name, sweet alyssum emits pleasant scent that makes them an essential in your indoor garden. You get a range of colour to choose from, with white ones being the most famous. 


Ah! You might have already heard of this flower as many of you beauty products contain chamomile. To describe its appearance, I would just say that it is a dainty button like flower that looks cute in the indoor gardens. But don’t go by its size, though they grow only about 12 inches, the flower holds many benefits for your well being. 


Next on the list is a pretty annuals – calendula. It is an annual herb that tends to become the favourite of most gardeners. Shh! Don’t tell this to other flowers. Another reason to grow calendula in your kitchen garden is that they are very cheerful yellow flowers that look like daisy.  


I must mention this that very few flowers bloom as profusely as cosmos. You should grow cosmos as they can be practically used to attract many of the beneficial insects that can benefit your other crops as well. Also, this flower will help you to keep your herb garden pest free. 

With that it’s a wrap. Hope these flowers add up color to your garden. Why planting flowers in indoor gardens you might wonder? Because trust me, it’s gonna heat up really bad outside in the coming days and you are going to thank me then for the kitchen garden idea.