10 Types Of Brothers We Love, Hate But Cannot Ignore

10 Types Of Brothers We Love, Hate But Cannot Ignore
10 Types Of Brothers We Love, Hate But Cannot Ignore

“Brothers are what best friends can never be.”

Brothers! That one race of human beings whom we may love, we may hate but we just simply cannot ignore them. Yes, brothers are that for us and magically happen to become adorable during Raksha Bandhan festival. It may be because they act all sweet and caring to get their favorite and desired rakhi gifts? But, honestly, they do deserve gifts because they deserve so much more than that. It is always the sisters and daughters that take all the credits and steal the thunder, however, brothers, despite being overshadowed by sisters are one of the loveliest creatures on Earth. Just like our brothers flood us with chocolates, gifts and sweets on this festival, we do owe them some mesmerizing gifts, don’t we? Let’s make our brothers realize their worth and how special they hold in our lives even though we ain’t ever show them through your actions. Here’s a list of 10 types of brothers and I am sure you will find some of these qualities in your brothers too. Let’s dive in!

  • The Hero:

Even when we don’t want him to be one, he will be one. You might want to become the villain for this hero for being too protective and caring but you won’t because you know, he loves you. Oops! These protective brothers make us hate loving them. Sisters having brothers like this, git no heroes of their own. 

  • The Confidant one:

Surprisingly true! A brother is the best secret keeper and doesn’t even judge you for anything. Yes, it may sound odd to many sisters here but try sharing a secret with him and you will end up finding a best friend for yourself. You tell him about your boyfriend to him and he will end up telling you about the girl he loved since his childhood.

  • The Teaser:

Now, this one here makes all the sisters choose the path of violence. Yes, they will irritate the heck out of you that you might end up throwing sharp ended things on him without thinking for it twice. Things they do to irritate you varies from hiding your makeup to spoiling your hair, from hiding TV remote to never appreciating your beauty, so would do anything to suck the last drop of blood from your body.

  • The Strict One:

Well, if you are having a brother of this kind, then sister, it’s not your brother but it’s your Dad-2. From keeping an eye on us to driving us to places where we want to go, a strict brother does it all which your father leaves. They could be annoying many times, ok honestly, all the time, but we know it’s their love that they express this way.

  • The Chiller:

Well, you could even call them your best friends because they’re up to with you in everything and anything. From being your partner in crime in everything that your parents think is illegal to being your agent 007 when you are carrying out your own mischiefs.

  • Our Parent’s Pet:

It may feel like this type of brother does not love you much but the truth is they love your parents way too much. From telling everything you do to your parents to not leaving a single chance to get your scolding from them, all you ever wish is him to grow up, right?

  • The Blackmailer:

Honestly, I find this kind of brother the most irritating one. I mean I could tolerate a protective brother over a one who secretly slips into your secrets only to blackmail and get his work done by you. The only way to get them in your control is by finding something about them, and the deal is finally called off.

  • Secretive One:

Well, they will not let you know anything about them. They will carry out everything just beneath your nose and you won’t be even aware of it. Sometimes it feels like they are on some mission or something like that. Neither they tell anything about themselves nor they ask yours. So, this is one unique kind of brothers found in many families. 

  • The Witty/Crazy One:

Well, sharing your siblinghood with them is like almost being in some funny movie or a series. Yes, their wit and humour is everything they come up within almost every situation. He ensures that not a single moment that passes by is dull or banal. Yes, this one is every sister’s favourite one. 

So, if you are missing your brother and won’t be able to celebrate this Rakhi with him, simply send rakhi to him and remind him of your love and affection towards him. In the digital era, every problem has a modern solution. Do not miss any chance to shower your love upon your cute, funny, strict or a crazy brother.